WAITLIST SPACES ARE LIMITED please read the information below and call on the appropriate date, please ensure your membership is up to date before calling.
1ST DATE - WEDNESDAY 15TH FEB 2023 - this date is for CURRENT HORSESHOE PERMIT HOLDERS who have held two consecutive permits on Horseshoe.
2nd DATE - THURSDAY 16th FEB 2023 - Where spaces are left this date is for Carp Society members to call and apply for a place on the waitlist.
*** ON either date above when calling if you are accepted and space is avilable there will be a £150 deposit to be paid, the deposit is non refundable and you are expected to maintain your carp society membership whilst on the waiitlist. please read through the terms and conditions.
THE INITIAL WAITLIST WILL OPEN ON WEDNESDAY 15th FEB 2023 - this is for members who are HORSESHOE PERMIT HOLDERS ONLY The waitlist will open at 9am on Wed 15th Feb 2023, applicable ONLY for members that have held a Horseshoe PERMIT for the last two consecutive periods/years minimum (i.e. held two consecutive annual permit or two six monthly permits) and have a valid Carp Society membership. ** On calling your name will be checked on the database to ensure you meet the above criteria, if you do not your application to join will not be accepted and you will be asked to call back the following week (see below).
THE SECOND WAITLIST DATE WILL BE OPEN ON THURSDAY 16th FEB 2023 . This is for ALL CARP SOCIETY MEMBERS The waitlist will be re-opened on a second day (spaces permitting) and is open to all members of the Carp Society on Thur 16th Feb 2023 from 9am to fill any spaces left. ** Please ensure you have a valid Carp Society membership before calling, if you do not your application will not be accepted.
TO JOIN THE WAITLIST: On the dates (above) please call the office on 01367 253959 from 9am, please do not call before, calls will only be answered from 9am. If you get through successfully, we will ask you for your name and membership number, if you are not a member we will not be able to accept your application. Additionally on the initial open date our records will be checked to ensure you meet the ‘Horseshoe permit criteria’. Successful applicants; we will then confirm your place and take a £150 non-refundable waitlist fee. You will receive an email confirming your place and waitlist position. Please note: * The Waitlist will be closed if we successfully fill all spaces on the initial opening date * All applicants must be a Carp Society member at the time of applying * Only one place will be allocated per call, we will not accept multiple applications for friends and family. * Please ensure a valid email address and phone number is given so we may contact you. WAITLIST TERMS • Applicants must be a member of the Society at the time to apply • YOU MUST ensure your membership is valid whilst on the waitlist, any lapse of membership will invalidate your place on the waitlist. • Each applicant will be asked to pay a non-refundable waitlist fee of £150 • Once all available spaces are filled, all remaining people on the waitlist will move up the wait list order for the following year, a new confirmation with your waitlist position will be emailed to you. • If any applicant decides to be removed from the waitlist, the fee will be automatically forfeit. • Waitlist places cannot be transferred to another angler PERMIT OFFER: Existing permit holders will have the chance to renew their permit and any remaining places will be offered to those on the waitlist in order. • Vacancies will be offered from mid June in order of the waitlist; we will contact you by phone/email to confirm a place is available. (It is your responsibility to ensure our contact details for you are up to date). Permits will start from 1st August each year so it is important that we receive acceptances quickly therefor. • The offer will only be valid for 72 hours (including weekends) • If we do not hear from you within 72 hours (including weekends) of the initial offer (by phone/email) we will assume you do not require the space. The vacancy will be offered to the next available person on the waitlist and your waitlist place and fee will be automatically be forfeit. • If accepting the permit, you will be asked to pay the permit fee at the time to secure your permit place. • You will then be sent confirmation and a permit form which must be returned to us with two passport photos (or email photo) by the date on the letter. Permits and access codes will only be sent on receipt of the forms and photos. • If you are unable to respond by phone during working hours, you can confirm acceptance by email and we can arrange a mutual time to process the payment. • If a vacancy is offered to you and not taken up, you will automatically forfeit your place on the waitlist and waitlist fee. You will not be able to defer your application. Note: The waitlist fee is non-refundable under any circumstances. This fee is separate from any permit fees on a successful placement.