COVID19 - Lake Closures 25/03/2020

Update 25/03/2020
Along with most other lakes and fishing organisations, the Carp Society has closed our Horseshoe and Farriers fisheries. The locks have been changed and members and non-members alike should abide by Government directions and ‘stay at home’. We have as a matter of course put in place measures to protect our property and stocks in the weeks and possibly months ahead. A rota of our bailiffs, will ensure a presence on the water at all times, for both security reasons and to feed our stock fish. (It is possible we may also take advantage of the closure to carry out essential maintenance).These people will be issued a letter of authority, to allow them access. Additionally our premises at Horseshoe are fitted CCTV for security purposes, and a member of staff lives on site.
During the period of closures, we will be considering how to respond in relation to permit holders on both lakes. Clearly this will be affected by the length of time the Virus keeps the country in "Lock Down" and our ability to manage financially. For the moment you are requested not to telephone our offices, as there is only a general message, with no answer phone facility. If you need to contact us urgently, please e-mail and we will do our best to respond as soon as we reasonably can. We urgently request you to stay away until further notice!
However, if anyone feels they can avoid this advice and visits our lakes without appropriate authorisation, we will not only name and shame you; you will also be banned from our fisheries for life.
Thank you all for your co-operation. Stay safe everyone, and see you all when this dreadful virus passes and we can get back to business as usual.
The Carp Society