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Call to action - Defra Bird Licence Survey Posted on 16/11/2019

Call to action - Defra Bird Licence Survey

Dear Carp Society Member

I am writing to inform you that the Carp Society has responded as an organisation to the Defra Survey of Fish eating Birds, but also to urge as many of you as possible to complete the on-line survey as individuals. You have until December 5th 2019 to do so.

This is probably a once off opportunity to have Cormorants and Goosander added to the general licence to shoot, rather than the current arrangement.

With an estimate of 72,000 overwintering birds each eating at least a pound in weight of fish each day these birds have had, and continue to have a devastating effect on our fish stocks in rivers and lakes all over the country.

Unless anglers of all disciplines take the time to respond to the survey our views will not be taken into account. Please give time to do so to protect the future of angling. The Carp Society will continue to work alongside the Predation Action Group and Angling Trust in attempting to bring about greater protection of fisheries.

This is your chance to help support our efforts.

Thank You Derek Stritton On behalf of the Carp Society.